enemies plane image
your planes image
final mission
normal mission
Game Goal
You accomplish the missions and receive money with which you can buy weapons and new planes.
After every mission you get points for destroyed planes and buildings. You can also get bonus points according
to your hitrate, your damage and enemy skill. A high enemy skill gets you the most bonus.
Your shotdowns are also counted and you are ranked in a pilots list. When you are first on the list you can try the final mission.
After that, you may be in the highscore list. The less missions you needed to finish the better your rank.
The Missions
There are four mission types on three difficulty levels. You should only attempt harder missions if you have a good plane or enough experience.
In interception missions, your objective is to destroy all enemy fighters.
In ground attack missions, you must destroy all ground targets. A green X marks the next ground target. Almost always ground defenses will try to stop you. You can either avoid or destroy them, too.
In ground defense missions, you must stop the enemy fighters from destroying your base.
In escort missions, you must protect a civilian plane from enemy fighters. The civilian plane is marked by a green X.
Your plane is repaired without cost after every mission.
The Weapons
You can choose from a variety of air and ground weapons. For air combat, you can select standard gun ammo (for free), special gun ammo and four types of missiles.
For ground strikes, you can use free-fall bombs which cause high damage, cheap and light ground rockets or guided bombs.
You can also buy additional armor for your plane.
At the end of each mission, your remaining weapons are sold, except when your plane was destroyed. Additional armor cannot be sold.
The Wingmen
Besides weapons, you can also select a wingman to come with you. As soon as you are ranked above another pilot in the pilots list, he can be your wingman. Wingmen take 40% of mission payment, even if they get shot down.
The Flying
During flight, you view your plane from behind. You see the reticle and a green square around your current target. You select your target by pointing your plane at it. The reticle flashes red if you hit your target.
Destroyed targets have a red square around them. In the "Predator" plane, the square around the target changes color according to damage of the target.
In the lower left corner you see a picture of your plane (damage status), your currently selected weapon and ammo and your speed.
In the lower right corner you see the radar. Below the radar, the current radar range is displayed. The radar adjusts its range automatically. On the radar, enemies are red, friendly aircraft green and missiles orange.
Your current target appears white on the radar. In the "Sabre" and "Predator" enemies that attack you are displayed in bright red, the others in dark red. Radar switches between air and ground modes according to your current weapon.
The Air Combat
During combat, it is always important to choose the right weapon.
The gun has a range of 500, close range missiles have a range of 2000, medium range missiles a range of 6000 and far range missiles a range of 25000.
While with the gun, you have to aim precisely, the air missiles are all guided. When the missile reticle is centered in the target square, you know the missile is ready for fire.
The chances to hit with a missile are highest when the missile is ready and when you are behind the target.
When a missile is fired at you, a warning will appear and you see the missile as an orange dot on your radar.
To avoid a missile it is important to have high speed. If the missile is in front of or behind you, it is best to turn hard, away from the missile. If it is left or right from you, you should just accelerate to prevent a hit.
Missile avoiding may be hard at the beginning but gets easier with experience.
The Ground Combat
While with free-fall bombs and ground rockets you have to aim, the guided bombs behave like air missiles. When the reticle is centered in the target square, you know the bomb is ready for fire.
During combat, it is very helpful to focus the camera on your nearest enemy (press and hold camera button). This way, you always know where your enemies are (if no target is around, you can view your plane from different angles).
You should always watch your six (the space behind you).
"Speed is life". The faster you are, the easier it is to avoid missile and gun hits.
If an enemy is chasing you, you can try to accelerate to high speed and suddenly brake. If he is close and fast enough, he will fly by... But watch out for his fire!
Use the radar to estimate distance to targets.
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